Interview With Skye The Dinomancer

Interview With Skye The Dinomancer

Today we talk we interview with Skye Walker the Dinomancer, She works out in the Big Horn Formation, and she agreed to this interview, and came to spread her experiences and today we have a webcam. Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website and youtube @Prehistoric Life Podcast and remember to follow the Dinomancer on instagram @thedinomancer

Interview With The HellCreek Hooligans

Interview With The HellCreek Hooligans

Today we talk we interview The HellCreek Hooligans, they live out near the hell creek formation, and he agreed to this interview and today we have a webcam. Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website and youtube @Prehistoric Life Podcast and remember to follow the hellcreek hooligands on instagram @Hellcreek_Hooligans

Interview with the dinosaur cowboy

Interview with the dinosaur cowboy

Today we talk we interview Clayton Phipps from The dinosaur cowboy, he lives out near the hell creek formation, and he agreed to this interview and today we have a webcam. Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website and youtube @Prehistoric Life Podcast and remember to follow Fossil Fiend on instagram @The_Dinosaur_Cowboy and on the show Dino Hunters on the discovery channel, and his brothers website,

Interview With Sergei (The Russian Archeologist)

Interview With Sergei (The Russian Archeologist)

Today we talk we interview Sergei Merkelov, he does a lot of dive expeditions, and he agreed to this interview and today we have a webcam. Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website and youtube @Prehistoric Life Podcast and remember to follow Sergei on instagram and tiktok @The_Russian_Archeologist and on youtube @The Russian Archeologist, and when his museum opens, go pay a visit.

Interview With Jason

Interview With Jason

Today we talk we interview Jason from Fossil Fiend, he has recently come back from a dig at the hell creek formation, and he agreed to this interview and today we have a webcam. Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website and youtube @Prehistoric Life Podcast and remember to follow Fossil Fiend on instagram @Fossil_Fiend and on youtube @The Fossil Fiend