Tank Vs Shark tooth Ankylosaur Vs Carcharodontosaurus

Tank Vs Shark tooth Ankylosaur Vs Carcharodontosaurus

In this episode is the 24th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Ankylosaur Vs Carcharodontosaurus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Asian Rex Vs Sauropod hunter Tarbosaurus vs Abelisaurus

Asian Rex Vs Sauropod hunter Tarbosaurus vs Abelisaurus

In this episode is the 23th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Tarbosaurus vs Abelisaurus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Jurassic Legacy:Aurora and PaleoEmpress

Jurassic Legacy:Aurora and PaleoEmpress

in this episode me and Jak have the first story time for Jurassic Legacy. I talk about my story Jurassic world: Aurora and Jak Talks about The PaleoEmpress

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Double crest Vs Other Branch Dilophosaurus Vs Alioramus

Double crest Vs Other Branch Dilophosaurus Vs Alioramus

In this episode is the 22th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Dilophosaurus Vs Alioramus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Killer Croc Vs Meat Eating Bull Carnotaurus vs Suchomimus

Killer Croc Vs Meat Eating Bull Carnotaurus vs Suchomimus

In this episode is the 21th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Carnotaurus vs Suchomimus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

The Classics Trex Vs Triceratops

The Classics Trex Vs Triceratops

In this episode is the 20th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Trex Vs Triceratops

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast