Horns Vs Jaws: Triceratops Vs Megalosaurus

Horns Vs Jaws: Triceratops Vs Megalosaurus

In this episode is the 7th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Triceratops Vs Megalosaurus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Dinosaurus Vs Mammals Styracosaurus Vs Coelodontac

Dinosaurus Vs Mammals Styracosaurus Vs Coelodontac

In this episode is the 6th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Styracosaurus Vs Coelodonta

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Alaskan showdown Nanuqsaurus Vs Pachyrhinosaurus

Alaskan showdown Nanuqsaurus Vs Pachyrhinosaurus

In this episode is the 5th episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Nanuqsaurus Vs Pachyrhinosaurus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Super Titan V High Spined Lizard: Patagotitan Vs Acrocanthosaurus

Super Titan V High Spined Lizard: Patagotitan Vs Acrocanthosaurus

In this episode is the 3rd episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Patagotitan Vs Acrocanthosaurus

For the sake of the future fights of the tournament Acrocanthosaurus will be the one moving on, but Patagotitan was the winner

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Madagascar predator vs British spinosaurs: Majungasaururs vs Riparovenator

Madagascar predator vs British spinosaurs: Majungasaururs vs Riparovenator

In this episode is the 3rd episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Majungasaururs vs Riparovenator

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast

Spikes and Jaws: Baryonyx Vs Kentrosaurus

Spikes and Jaws: Baryonyx Vs Kentrosaurus

In this episode is the second episode in the tournament Fight Fridays and todays is Baryonyx Vs Kentrosaurus

IF YOU GO ON ONE OF THE TRIPS FOR FOSSIL TRIPS Tell them you hear about them from Prehistoric Life Podcast and they will give you $250 off your tickets.
Remember to follow me at Prehistoric_Life_Podcast on instagram and check out the new website PrehistoricLifePodcast.com and on youtube @prehistoric life podcast